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Sepultura and Les Tambou du Bronx Metal Veins Alive At Rock In Rio (Blu-ray)

название: Sepultura and Les Tambou du Bronx Metal Veins Alive At Rock In Rio (Blu-ray)
жанр: Blu-ray disc, Западные исполнители, Музыка
год: 2013
длительность: 60 минут
качество: Blu-ray
цена: 296 руб.
epultura are one of the most successful acts ever to come out of Brazil with global album sales in excess of 30 million and are one of the most important and influential metal acts of their generation. This show was filmed at the legendary Rock In Rio festival in their native Brazil on the 19th September 2013. It is a spectacular performance which sees the band accompanied throughout by the French industrial percussion group Les Tambours Du Bronx. The sheer volume of sound and the powerful presentation of the songs sets this apart from any previous Sepultura concert release.

01. Kaiowas
02. Spectrum
03. Refuse / Resist
04. Sepulnation
05. Delirium
06. Fever
07. We ve Lost You
08. Firestarter
09. Requiem
10. Structure Violence
11. Territory
12. Big Hands
13. Roots Bloody Roots
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