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Saga Spin It Again Live in Munich (Blu-ray)

название: Saga Spin It Again Live in Munich (Blu-ray)
жанр: Blu-ray disc, Западные исполнители, Музыка
год: 2012
длительность: 116 минут
качество: Blu-ray
цена: 275 руб.
Spin It Again - Live in Munich, captures the final night of the 2012 successful sold-out tour by the Canadian band in Germany. Saga’s historical singer Michael Sadler surprised everybody joining the band back just a few days before the recording took place. The magic was all of a sudden back. Saga charted in the German top 10 and the band sold out nearly 20 concerts in Germany and brought its music in cities and countries where they had never been before. 2012 and 2013 have been very intense years for Saga. The joy of the original band together again, the warmth of the audience, the critical acclaim had to live together with hard moments on the road and private tragedies... Spin it Again, recorded and filmed in Munich, historically a second home for the Canadian prog rockers, features recent songs and all the Saga classics. Two hours of prog and melodic hard rock at its best.

01. Anywhere You Wanna Go
02. Mouse In A Maze
03. Careful Where You Step
04. The Perfectionist
05. You're Not Alone
06. Spin It Again
07. Corkentellis
08. The Flyer
09. Fish Beat (Drum Solo)
10. Six Feet Under
11. The Cross
12. Time's Up
13. Scratching The Surface
14. Tired World (Chapter 6)
15. Humble Stance
16. On the Loose
17. Wind Him Up
18. Framed
19. Don't Be Late (Chapter 2)
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